Tag Archives: Help Plants Through Winter

Why Should You Fertilize the Plants in Your Yard in the Fall?

Fall is the perfect time to nourish your exterior plants, shrubs and trees around your home. By fertilizing your plants, you are preparing your beautiful landscape for the colder, drier winter months.  Fertilizing doesn’t just help temporarily, it has lasting benefits that will stretch throughout the seasons. While you can fertilize your yard year-round, experts agree the most critical time to perform fertilization is in the Fall. Why? Because you are applying specialized elements to the soil before the active Spring season.

If homeowners take the opportunity and apply fertilizer just before winter, they can create a healthy landscape for the Spring and Summer for the coming year. In other words, if you fertilize your yard in the Fall, you will have a more vibrant yard when Spring arrives. This will reduce the chance of developing plant diseases through the winter season. By preparing your landscape now, you are ensuring your yard will be healthier for the start of Spring.

Some homeowners may choose to opt-out of a fall fertilization to save money. Be careful! Ignoring an opportunity to fertilize in the fall could actually cost you more money and time down the road.

We encourage fall fertilization as plants store food in the root structure. Your trees and shrubs will use their stored reserves to battle the harsher, colder months until the Spring season. Remember this tip, nitrogen promotes healthy foliage and leaves.

Phosphorus or Phosphate stimulate root systems, vegetable and bud growth.

If you live in the pines, fertilization will help to strengthen your trees to better protect themselves from the damaging effects of the central Arizona bark beetle population. Homeowners are encouraged to pay attention to their yards. Watch for any plants that appear to be struggling. Early intervention can be the key to saving a plant stressed by insects or disease.

If you don’t know where to begin, learn more at www.VicenteLandscaping.com.