Tag Archives: Winter Landscaping

Winter Hardscapes: Incorporating Stone and Structures

Stone fireplace and seating area in a backyard with Sedona red rocks behind.

As winter blankets our landscapes in a serene layer of snow, there’s an opportunity to enhance the beauty of your outdoor space through thoughtful hardscape design. By incorporating stone and structures, you can create a winter wonderland that not only withstands the cold but also adds a touch of elegance and structure to your surroundings.

1. Stone Pathways for Winter Strolls

Nothing complements a snowy landscape quite like stone pathways. Consider installing meandering stone walkways that lead through your garden or connect key areas of your outdoor space. These paths not only add visual interest but also provide a sturdy surface for winter strolls, making it easier to navigate your yard when it’s covered in snow.

2. Snowy Sculptures and Stone Art

Take advantage of the snow’s sculptural quality by incorporating stone structures and statues into your winter landscape. These elements can stand out beautifully against the snowy backdrop, creating a captivating and artistic focal point. Whether it’s a simple stone sculpture or a more elaborate fountain, these additions add interest and charm to your winter garden.

3. Fire Pits for Warm Gatherings

Combat the winter chill by integrating a stone fire pit into your hardscape design. Surrounded by durable stone seating, a fire pit becomes a gathering point for family and friends during winter evenings. The warmth of the fire, combined with the cold crisp air, creates a unique and inviting atmosphere for outdoor gatherings.

4. Winter-Ready Stone Walls

Enhance the structure of your winter garden with stone retaining walls. These not only add an architectural element but also serve practical purposes like preventing soil erosion and creating terraced planting areas. Choose stones in earthy tones that compliment the winter landscape for a seamless blend of function and aesthetics.

5. Illuminating Stone with Winter Lighting

Highlight the beauty of your stone hardscape features by incorporating strategic lighting. During the winter months, when daylight is limited, well-placed lights can showcase the textures and details of your stone pathways, walls, and structures, adding a magical touch to your outdoor space.

In conclusion, the winter season provides a unique canvas for hardscape design. By incorporating stone pathways, structures, and thoughtful lighting, you can create a winter landscape that not only withstands the season but flourishes in its cold, quiet beauty. Embrace the serenity of winter and let your hardscape elements harmonize with the season’s natural charm. Contact us for ideas on how we can elevate your outdoor landscape space to be optimized for winter months and to enjoy all year long.

Call us at 928-636-1601

Pruning for Winter: How to Prepare Your Trees and Shrubs

A woman pruning magnolia tree branches

Winter, with its serene landscape and snow-kissed branches, brings a unique kind of beauty to your garden. However, before you can fully embrace the charm of the season, there’s an essential task to tackle: pruning. Properly preparing your trees and shrubs for winter ensures their health, vitality, and aesthetic appeal come spring. In this guide, we’ll explore the art of winter pruning, sharing tips and techniques to help you care for your garden in the colder months.

Why Winter Pruning Matters:

Before we dive into the “how,” let’s understand the “why” behind winter pruning. Winter pruning serves several crucial purposes:

1. Disease and Pest Control: Removing dead or diseased branches reduces the risk of pests and diseases spreading in the winter when many harmful organisms lie dormant.

2. Improved Structure: Pruning shapes your plants, enhancing their natural form and structure. This can also prevent branches from becoming overly heavy with snow and ice, reducing the risk of breakage.

3. Encouraging Growth: Winter pruning encourages vigorous spring growth by allowing sunlight and air circulation to reach the interior of your trees and shrubs.

4. Aesthetic Appeal: Keeping your garden well-pruned in the winter ensures it remains visually pleasing even when covered in snow.

When to Prune:

Timing is critical when it comes to winter pruning. It’s generally best to prune in late winter or early spring while your trees and shrubs are still dormant. However, there are exceptions:

1. Spring-Flowering Plants: For plants that bloom in the spring, such as lilacs and forsythias, it’s best to prune right after they bloom to avoid removing potential flowers.

2. Deciduous Trees: These can be pruned during late fall or winter, as long as it’s before the coldest part of winter hits.

3. Evergreens: These are typically pruned in late winter when they are dormant, but it’s wise to avoid extreme cold spells.

How to Prune:

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of pruning technique:

1. Choose the Right Tools: Make sure your pruning shears and saws are sharp and clean to avoid damaging your plants.

2. Remove Dead or Diseased Branches: Start by cutting back any branches that are clearly dead, diseased, or damaged. Make clean cuts just outside the branch collar (the swollen area at the base of the branch).

3. Thin Out Crowded Growth: For overgrown trees and shrubs, selectively prune branches to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration. This can reduce the risk of fungal diseases.

4. Maintain Natural Shape: When pruning for structure, aim to maintain the plant’s natural shape. Avoid excessive or unnatural shaping.

5. Don’t Overdo It: Remember, less is often more when it comes to pruning. Avoid removing more than a third of a plant’s branches in a single season.

6. Protect Against Pests: After pruning, consider applying horticultural oil to your plants to deter overwintering pests.


Pruning for winter is a valuable investment in the health and beauty of your garden. By following these guidelines and carefully tending to your trees and shrubs, you’ll ensure they withstand the challenges of winter and emerge with vitality when spring arrives. If you’re unsure about your pruning skills or have complex pruning needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at 928-636-160.